Code of Conduct
We Honor The Code…
At CANEX, we believe in conducting our business responsibly and ethically. This is fundamental to our mission of making the world a better place, and it requires that every one of us take personal responsibility for our actions. We understand that people trust us to act with integrity, and we are committed to maintaining that trust.
Our Code of Conduct and Ethics applies to all members of our company, regardless of position or role, including employees and board members. We also expect all third parties who do business with CANEX to adhere to the principles and values outlined in our Code. Any employees working with third parties are responsible for ensuring that these parties uphold these standards.
For our Code of Conduct and Ethics, a third party refers to anyone who does business with CANEX, including customers, suppliers, consultants, agents, independent contractors, and temporary workers.
The following are some of the key principles and values outlined in our Code of Conduct and Ethics:
Respectful Conduct
We expect all members of our company to conduct themselves with respect and kindness, and to avoid any actions or language that could be deemed offensive or harmful. Disrespectful behavior of any kind is not tolerated.
Workplace Security & Safety
We are committed to providing a safe and secure working environment for all employees. We expect all employees to uphold this commitment by avoiding any threatening or violent behavior and keeping our workplaces free from all types of hazards.
Avoid Conflicts of Interest
Our employees are expected to perform their duties honestly and conscientiously and to act in the best interests of CANEX. They must not use their positions or knowledge gained from their positions for personal gain. If an employee senses that their actions may create a conflict of interest with the company, they must immediately inform their supervisor.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We believe in equal opportunity for all and strive to create a company culture that is welcoming and inclusive. We are taking steps to increase diversity and inclusion within our company and throughout the wider community.
Relationships with Clients and Suppliers
Employees must avoid any financial interests that may influence or appear to influence their decisions in the performance of their duties on behalf of the company. This includes investments or interests in any business organizations that have a contractual relationship with CANEX, or that provide goods or services to the company.
Gifting and Entertainment Rules
Employees are prohibited from accepting any entertainment, gifts, or personal favors that may appear to influence or influence business decisions in favor of any individual or organization in that the company has current or potential business dealings. Employees must also not accept preferential treatment that could create an obligation to return such treatment because of their position with CANEX.
Harassment and Discrimination
CANEX is committed to providing equal opportunities to all employees and maintaining a workplace culture where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. We prohibit any form of harassment or discrimination, including written, verbal, physical, or visual (such as photos or videos) based on protected classes.
Kickbacks and Secret Commissions
Employees are strictly prohibited from receiving any kind of payment or compensation, except as authorized by CANEX's business and payroll policies, for any business activities. The company also prohibits accepting kickbacks and secret commissions from suppliers or other parties, and any breach of this rule will result in immediate termination and legal action.
Safeguard Our Assets
Employees who have access to CANEX funds must follow the prescribed procedures for handling and protecting money as detailed in the company's policies and procedures. The company imposes strict standards to prevent fraud and dishonesty, and employees are encouraged to immediately report any evidence of fraud or dishonesty to their supervisor or seek legal guidance.
When employees spend CANEX funds or incur any reimbursable personal expenses, they must use good judgment to ensure that the expenditure provides good value for the company. CANEX funds and other assets are solely for the company's benefit and must not be used for personal gain, including the personal use of assets such as computers.
Safeguard Information and Communications
Accurate and reliable records are necessary to fulfill CANEX's legal and financial obligations and manage the company's affairs. Employees responsible for accounting and recordkeeping must fully disclose and record all business transactions and exercise diligence in enforcing these requirements.
Employees must not make or engage in any false record or communication, whether internal or external, that could harm the company's integrity or reputation. When communicating publicly on matters not involving CANEX business, employees must not use CANEX identification, stationery, supplies, or equipment for personal or political matters. When dealing with external parties, including public officials, employees must take care not to compromise the company's integrity or damage the reputation of any outside individual, business, or government body.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Employees must collect, use, and retain only necessary personal information for the company's business, obtain such information directly from the concerned person whenever possible, and use only reputable and reliable sources to supplement such information. Employees must retain information only as long as necessary or required by law and protect its physical security. Internal access to personal information must be limited to those with a legitimate business reason for seeking it, and such information should be used only for the purposes for which it was originally obtained. Employees must obtain the concerned person's consent before disclosing any personal information externally unless legal process or contractual obligation provides otherwise.